
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Advocacy Project: Letter to Elected Official

December 6, 2011

Senator Amy Klobuchar
United States Senate
302 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510


The proposed Act to upgrade America's outdated system for managing chemical safety will have a very large impact on the health of United States citizens if passed.  As a health educator, I believe that passing this Act and enforcing the testing of all chemicals used in consumer products would decrease the number of diseases in America today. 

Currently, the rates of diseases like asthma, diabetes, cancers, infertility, and behavioral disorders keep going up due to chemical exposure.  This results in higher health bills and health care costs for Americans.  According to our current law, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has only been able to require safety testing for 200 of the over 80,000 chemicals being used today.  And worse yet, the EPA has banned or restricted only 5 chemicals. The Safe Chemicals Act would go a long way in providing safety from toxic chemicals by making sure they are monitored and not used if toxic in any way.  It would improve the safety of chemicals used in products that are consumed daily and would require having more public information about chemical safety.

Opponents of the Act have been saying that too many generalizations and conclusions are made about exposure to chemicals and diseases.  They argue that the Toxic Substance Control Act be modernized and that there be more access to chemical information in the workplace.  These arguments are somewhat valid, but the truth is that chemicals are affecting people in a negative way, and there is a lot of proof to back it up.  The current law is not being enforced.  By passing this Act, a more safe and friendly environment would be created that would benefit the health of every American.

We appreciate the efforts you have made in looking for a solution to this problem.  We hope you make the decision to vote “yes” on this passing this Act in order to protect the health of America.  If you would like any further information, please contact me at 123-456-7890 or


Share and Voice: Fair Trade Coffee YouTube

Fair Trade is a term that is becoming more and more popular these days, but what does it mean? Fair trade simply means that if you purchase a fair trade guaranteed product, you can be confident that the farmer who produced that product is getting a fair price for it. 
Americans consume insane amounts of coffee every day and almost all of our coffee supply comes from millions of farmers around the world.  Most of these farmers are unable to properly feed their families because they are not receiving a fair profit from the coffee we purchase from them.
So, how do you know where and how to find fair trade coffee? Whenever you see this logo, you can be sure that the product is fair trade certified:

Fair trade coffee can be found in many stores, BUT you usually have to ask for it. Often times it is not displayed on shelves, but storeowners will get it for you upon request.  Places like Starbucks have it as well, but you have to ask for it special.  I encourage you to buy fair trade coffee, it is rewarding because you know you are supporting people around the planet and giving them what they deserve for their hard work.