
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

     Dermasil has been my favorite moisturizer for a long time, and I have always thought of it as quality lotion.  To my surprise, it is not so great and actually scores very high on the health concern chart.  EWG would not sign it as a safe cosmetic because of its high toxicity ratings.  First of all, I was surprised that it scored moderately high for being cancerous, that is very alarming.  It was off the charts for development and reproductive toxicity and was nearly off the charts for allergies and immunotoxicity. 
    The website said that their ratings are based on specific ingredients in the product, not the product as a whole.  However, if any of the ingredients in the lotion I use are toxic and are entering my bloodstream, you bet I am going to abstain.  Since I have been using this lotion for many years and have not felt any different, I will be doing more personal research to see what actually can happen from being in contact with these ingredients.
    It is amazing to me that companies do not have to label any warnings on their products if this much harm could be done.  How is the public supposed to find out about the toxins they are exposed to unless told? Very scary to think about and I am glad we were directed to this website.  

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: Weekly Update

     Welcome to another week of my SMART goal challenge to save electricity.  This week went well, partly because I was camping for three days and had no access to electricity.  When at home, I continued to turn off lights that were not being used, wash dishes by hand instead of in the dishwasher, and I added one more thing to the list: doing less laundry.  I learned that running the washer and dryer uses quite a bit of electricity so my goal is to only wash one load of clothes every other week instead of once a week.  
     Turning off lights is getting to be more second nature, but I still find myself forgetting; especially with 'little' lights that seem like they wouldn't matter.  When I come home to a light that was left on, I am sure to make a mental note to remember next time.  Washing dishes by hand has been kind of fun.  It is a way to just relax and think or listen to music while letting the warm water soak your hands.  Never thought I would hear myself say that about dishes.
     The most challenging part of this week has been my effort to wash less laundry.  One thing that makes me feel organzied and clean is having clean clothes once a week and not let them pile up. So it has taken some effort and flexibility on my part.  I am trying to use less clothes, and re-wear things as much as possible.  One way I am going about this is by using the same jeans for four or more days in a row (if not repulsive).  That way less clothes pile up in a dirty heap.
     As I tried to do these three things this week, I felt great.  I can't think of many things better to me than a good challenge. When I messed up (leaving lights on), I did not feel guilty but more like 'oh, I can do better!' So it has been fun! 
     For next week I am going to stick with the same goals: less lights, less water (no dishwasher), and less laundry.  It will be great when they become second nature, then I will add more.  Stay tuned and please feel free to join me in this challenge :)