
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Reflections: Week 1-7
     Over the past seven weeks we have covered a lot of information relating to the enviroment.  My knowledge and outlook on how we treat our planet and our own bodies has completely changed.  We started the semester off by going outside and taking time to enjoy life by laying in the grass and feeling 'connected' to the earth.  We talked about how the universe is part of us and how our thoughts naturally line up with it in a way.  When we go outside, our bodies naturally soak up vitamin D and that is a way of telling us that the earth is ours to enjoy and embrace.
     Then we started learning about SMART goals and how we could invididualy have an impact on the environment in any way we choose.  I loved this challenge because having to blog about my progress was awesome accountability and I leanred a lot about saving electricity.  
     As a class, we have gotten to watch multiple documentaries regarding different issues that have majorly impacted our world.  The documentaries include: 'Future of Food', which was about genetically modified foods and how they are negativiely impacting America.  A seed that is genetically modified is fake in a way because it is not grown naturally and therefore doesn't contain all the nutrients it should. 'Fresh' was a powerful documentary we watched about farmers who are trying to re-invent our food system and bring back more healthy, sustainable alternatives.  'Green' was about how petrochemicals are polliting our air and causing health problems for those that live in concentrated areas. It made me aware of the importance of clean air and want to fight for those who don't get access to it.  Lastly, we watched 'Tapped' which was about the multi-billion dollar bottled water industry.  Drinking bottled water exposes people to many health risks and chemicals that the majority of consumers do not know about.  Producers of bottled water are getting by without any questions so this documentary is to raise awareness about the possible dangers of drinking bottled water. 
     My favorite part of this class has been having my eyes opened to issues that I had no idea about.  Knowing that my body might contain toxic chemicals due to the food I eat is important information, but  food labels don't usually include those facts so I had to find out through other sources.  When we are more aware of ways in which to impact our health and planet for the better, it is possible to take action. Whereas if I had'nt been exposed to these films, I would still be in the dark.  It is exciting that we can take what we are learning and tell others as well.  


  1. Hey Sarah! I couldn't agree more with you. A lot of the things we have learned in this class has also opened up eyes. There were some subjects I knew about after taking biology classes like, genetically modified foods and the way animals are treated, but videos "Tapped" and "Green" opened my eyes to new issues and the severity of issues going on that I had no idea about. I'm excited that we are group partners for the second half of the semester and look forward to hearing more from you.

  2. I also enjoyed the blog piece that we did with our SMART goals. As you said, it was a good way to be accountable, but it was fun to share and sort of added a purpose or an extra layer of reason that wasn't just about HAVING to do WORK in keeping track of the goal. I was more involved and the blogging and adding pictures made in more conversational.

  3. I agree with the whole eye opening part of the class. I used to always think that I had a pretty solid grasp of what happening in the world around me, but obviously I was mistaken. It's crazy, and even scary at times, how little we really know about the world around us!

  4. This class has also taught me so many things that I never really thought about before.I always assumed that the government is looking out for us, but really they don't even regulate bottled water. It's also scary to think of all the lies we are told.
